Zionist Council of Victoria book launched in Israel
The Zionist Council of Victoria and Makor Jewish Community Library, together with the Zionist Federation of Australia has launched the anthology “Building A Nation” in Israel.
The anthology is a two-volume set of 50 autobiographical stories written by members of the Victorian Jewish community and former Australian Olim.
“Building A Nation” tells of their experiences in the foundation and development of the State of Israel and looks set to become a foundation text on Israel, cross-cultural experiences and Australian Jewry.
The Israeli launch was held at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center and honoured by guest speakers Member of Knesset Yuli Edelstein Minister for Diaspora Affairs and Australian Ambassador James Larsen, together with ZCV President Dr Danny Lamm, all of whom presented different and very moving perspectives on the work.
Some of the authors were present and received copies of their published works. Guests and authors mingled at the festive reception, enjoying a beautiful autumn morning, complete with a view of Jerusalem’s Old City walls.
Published by the Zionist Council of Victoria and the Makor Jewish Community Library, the original launch was held at Beth Weizmann Community Centre on August 2 with Peter Costello MP and the book has since been selling fast.
![Melb book launch_small Melbourne Book Launch l-r Peter Costello, contributor George Szalmuk [with grandchildren] and Danny Lamm](https://i0.wp.com/www.jwire.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Melb-book-launch_small-300x200.jpg?resize=300%2C200)