ZFA disappointed at Greens withdrawal of support

June 4, 2015 by J-Wire News Service
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President of the Zionist Federation of Australia Dr Danny Lamm has voiced his disappointment on Greens leader Senator Richard Di Natale withdrawing his declaration of support for Israel’s right to exist.

Dr Danny Lamm

Dr Danny Lamm

Dr Lamm Said: “It is profoundly disappointing that newly minted Australian Greens Leader Senator Richard Di Natale has withdrawn his declaration of support for Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state. Senator Di Natale’s about-face is particularly troubling in view of the statement made last month by Pope Francis that:

“anyone who does not recognize the Jewish people and the State of Israel — and their right to exist — is guilty of antisemitism.”

The indivisibility of Israel’s political existence and its Jewish character was articulated in its 1948 Declaration of Independence and remains relevant to this day:

Richard Di Natale

“In Eretz Yisrael first arose the Jewish People, and there was shaped its religious, spiritual and national identity, there it attained political sovereignty … it is the natural right of the Jewish People to be as all other nations that have realised the right to independence and national sovereignty.”

Israel’s ethnic character was also recognised in UN General Assembly Resolution 181 that explicitly authorised the establishment of “Independent Arab and Jewish States”.

In his 2014 State of the Union Address President Barack Obama stated:

“American diplomacy is supporting Israelis and Palestinians as they engage in difficult but necessary talks to end the conflict there; to achieve dignity and an independent state for Palestinians, and lasting peace and security for the State of Israel – a Jewish state that knows America will always be at their side.”

Senator Di Natale’s revised position on Israel should also be assessed in the light of Articles One and Four of the Palestinian Basic Law (2003) that respectively declare: “the Palestinian people are part of the Arab nation”; and “the principles of Islamic Shari’a shall be the principal source of legislation.”

It would be useful to ask whether Senator Di Natale’s objection to national ethno-religious identity applies solely to a Jewish Israel, or extends to an Arab/Muslim Palestine as well?”


10 Responses to “ZFA disappointed at Greens withdrawal of support”
  1. Liat Nagar says:

    Good, in depth comment, Efrem. Just something to add re Israel itself: it beats me why some Israeli politicians are concerned about keeping Israel a Jewish state for fear of it being a threat to democracy. Obviously they need to be reminded of the very things you state in relation to the formation of the modern State of Israel.

  2. Efrem Manassey says:

    Look, Winston Churchill (whatever one thinks of his foibles) was proven by events to be very perceptive. He said that the fascists of the future will not call themselves fascists.
    The Greens’ ‘drift’ from the far Left to the Twilight Zone, existential, fourth dimensional left, has been occurring for quite some time now. They stick up for heinous storm troopers like Jake Lynch (Sydney University lecture fiasco) and march with Islamic Fundamentalists (eg: Lee Rhianon). The green Islamic fundamentalist alliance means that they are dragged, or march blindly, into fascism by other names. IE: They march with people who wave Hezbollah flags and call for the destruction of Israel instead of peace. Just watch what will happen over the next decade. Hence most Aussies will continue to move away from them. And they have only themselves to blame. They will be increasingly seen as one eyed, fringe loonies. And I’m one who used to march beside them for environmental causes and East Timorese freedom. Now I argue against them frequently.
    How can one divorce Israel from its Jewish identity? That was the whole point of the post WW2 UN recognition of Israel. Jews could have their own country so that they could defend themselves. They would no longer be subject to regimes in other countries that could arrest them in the middle of the night and take them away to concentration camps. People have shed blood solely on the basis of someone being Jewish, so how can one not see a real need for a Jewish state? This is obvious to many Aussies and people around the world.
    So let DiNatalie and his crew refuse to see clearly and bury their heads in the sand. I won’t ‘recognise’ that they have any balanced ethical sensibilities. In any case I don’t recognise them at the polling booth. Hopefully many more people will do the same.

  3. Paul Winter says:

    On what basis pray-tell does Di Natale, the Greens (on the outside, red on the inside) or anyone or nation withdraw the recognition of a nation that exists and is a member of the family of nations represented by the UN? He is in fact baying the mohammedan line of lies. He is an opportunist sucking up to the mohammedan vote, that same segment of our society that requires special policing to stop psychopaths from going on jihad tours overseas and from cutting off the head of some random Australian. But not to worry, it can all be deflected to show that that is the fault of the Jews. And the selectively sensitive bleeding hearts who are forever apologising for white peoples’ crimes just love to hate Jews and love the Arab haters who claim the mantle of suffering which Jews paid for in blood.

    What is worrying is not the “Green” freak fringe, but the ALP which is adopting their perversion of reality in trying to corner the same mohammedan and heart on sleeve mob that weeps for the Fakestinians, the victims de jour. That sensitive group of which Barry Cohen said that if they are told to fart ask only “In which direction?”.

  4. Paul Thompsom says:

    OOPS! The Greens just lost my vote. Pity I didn’t know his stance before the last election

  5. Geoff Seidner says:

    Di Natale, Rhiannon and Adam Bandt **** represent yet another defacto proof that Jew hatred essentially hails from the left.

    Professional anti – semites are pathetically so frequently ensconsed in the
    Greens / Socialists or boycoteers.
    The troika have many things in common.

    Hatred of Israel’s success in their pluralistic modus vivendi

    Hatred democracy / capitalists at large.

    Hatred of anything not enmeshed in their nihilistic, atavistic antediluvian dystopian utopia!

    [Did you know that dystopia and utopia should be listed as synonyms?]

    When all the socialist claptrap seemingly dominating universities becomes seen as an evolutionary throwback to the discredited policies of Marx – maybe the Jewish Adam Bandt ****will remonstrate with his leader Di Natale.

  6. Liat Nagar says:

    Richard Di Natale is obviously an ignoramus. And a light-weight. The Greens have gone from bad to worse since Bob Brown’s departure – they’re fizzling away to nothing, and are of no consequence.

    • Geoff Seidner says:

      Now – It is not for me to contemplate the reason for Bob Brown’s retirement: but I doubt that the current Greens’ ostensible yearning for Sharia law*** vs Israel’s vibrant gay community would have enthused the former Senator!

      No wonder he never ventured to areas extolling Sharia law!!!

      From Danny Lamm’s article:
      Senator Di Natale’s revised position on Israel should also be assessed in the light of Articles One and Four of the Palestinian Basic Law (2003) that respectively declare: “the Palestinian people are part of the Arab nation”; and “the principles of Islamic Shari’a shall be the principal source of legislation.”

  7. Jan Poddebsky says:

    J-wire post 2 June reports that the Pope denounces as anti-Semitism rejctions of Israel’s right to exist and Jewish claims to Israel.
    Perhaps Di Natale and the Greens should take up their position with the Pope. He brands their position as anti-Semitic and last time I looked he was not a Jew or part of the Jewish or Israel lobby. I of course exercise my right to give voting preferences according to who is least anti-Semitic.

  8. Leon Poddebsky says:

    Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish Nation, that is, The House of Israel, and, although most of its citizens are Jews, the state has no official state religion.
    By contrast, all the Arab states as well as Pakistan, Iran and other Islamic states,have institutionalised Islam as the state religion.
    For the Greens to discriminate against Israel is yet another indication of their antisemitic agenda.
    No decent person should support them.

  9. Marta Mikey Frid says:

    Jumping on the wagon of the popular propagandists like the BDS movements appears far more attractive to the ignoramuses of this world than validating their conclusions with veridical historicity. All tyrants knew how to exploit this.

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