ZFA Calls on Israel to recognise all forms of Judaism
The Zionist Federation of Australia has called on the Israeli government to accept all forms of the practice of Judaism on a level footing. Last week in Melbourne, the Zionist Federation of Australia passed the following resolution at its Executive Meeting, at which affiliates across Australia were present.
“We believe that Israel’s Declaration of Independence is an inspirational document that describes the aspirations and hopes of a democratic and inclusive people. Further, we believe that there is still work to be done in implementing those aspirations and hopes.
In that spirit and recognising that Jewish practice has many forms of expression including multiple streams of Orthodoxy, Progressive (Reform) and Conservative (Masorti), The Zionist Federation of Australia respectfully requests the Government of Israel to move as quickly as is practicable to provide full recognition and equitable support for all streams of Jewish practice.
The Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) is the national roof body of all Zionist organisations and activity in this country. ZFA affiliates span the breadth of political and religious streams, as well as organisations dedicated to fundraising for Israel, engagement with youth, women’s groups and cultural and sporting organisations.
ZFA president Philip Chester said: “The Zionist Federation of Australia as the representative of the World Zionist Organisation (WZO) encompasses Zionists from all Jewish religious streams and the full spectrum of Zionist political thought. We are intensely proud of our well-deserved international reputation as a strongly Zionist community and of the breadth and depth of Zionist affiliation and activity in Australia. This resolution is consistent with our broad representative role.”
Steve Denenberg, who proposed the resolution said: “”ARZA is delighted by the support of the ZFA and its membership for this resolution. We are delighted that Australia is taking the lead in calling for Israel to truly become the home for all Jews, and acknowledging that there are many, equally authentic, ways of expressing our Judaism.”
Thanks a lot ZFA !!
You just “confirmed” that Israel is, in fact, an unfair society. You just uderlined that in Israel certain groups are discriminated against, that certain types of social/cultural/religious entities are treated with prejudice, unequitably, that certain groups are denied equality, And that, in your opinion, happens to…………….JEWISH such groups and entities.
Under these conditions, what could anyone not even half as stupid as you , would think about those NON JEWS and the way they are treated by this Israel Government you, so politely, disagree with?! Who is going to benefit from this thoughtless gesture ??!! Do you really think that the Government of Israel is going to consider, give course, receive with “understanding” and friendliness the cacophonies you put tohether in this Statement ??!!
I would charge that the title of ZIONIST your organisation pretends to promote has been annulled.
I cannot but consider ZFA a bunch of irresposible bunch of incredibly unintelligent people. Out of consideration for Jwire I would not print what I really think of ZFA, but one thing is for sure, ZFA have lost the plot and some tectonic changes at the top are absolutely necessary.