ZFA and AIJAC congratulate Netanyahu

November 3, 2022 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Both the Zionist Federation of Australia and the Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council have congratulated Benjamin Netanyahu on his expected victory in the recent Israeli election.

MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, the leader of the Israeli far-right Otzma Yehudit party, arrives at the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem before his visit to the Temple Mount after receiving approval from the Israeli police. Jerusalem, Mar 31, 2022. Photo by Shalev Shalom/TPS

Both organisations expressed their misgivings about Itamar Ben Gvir and his “Jewish Power Party” being within the Netanyahu camp.

ZFA congratulated Netanyahu on his victory saying ‘hoping that this election will steer Israel back to the path of electoral stability’. The ZFA also acknowledges the substantial achievements of the outgoing Bennett-Lapid Government.

ZFA President Jeremy Leibler said, “We congratulate Mr Netanyahu for achieving a mandate to form government. We are proud of Israel’s thriving democratic system and wish the incoming government success and wisdom in steering Israel through the many international and domestic challenges it faces.”

Mr Leibler continued, “Many Australian Jews are concerned about the inclusion of Itamar Ben Gvir and his ‘Jewish Power’ party given their past statements that are inconsistent with the values of every former Israeli government on both sides of politics. We sincerely hope that these views will not form a part of the incoming government’s policies. The Zionist Federation of Australia looks forward to working with the new Israeli government to further strengthen the Australia–Israel and Israel–Diaspora relationship”.

Mr Leibler also paid tribute to the outgoing government. “The Bennett-Lapid Government should be commended for its many achievements. From carefully maintaining Israel’s security in the face of ongoing terrorism to leading the most diverse government in Israeli history to further strengthening the Abraham Accords and Israel’s presence in the region. Beyond the headlines of the coalition make-up, the Bennett-Lapid Government also achieved solid gains, having passed Israel’s first budget in three years, ended the budget deficit and reduced unemployment from over 18 per cent in 2020 to under 3.5 per cent today.”

Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu visits the Malha shopping mall in Jerusalem on Election Day, Nov. 1, 2022.. Credit: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90

AIJAC Executive Director Dr Colin Rubenstein stated: “The votes are still being counted, but at this point, it appears likely that former PM Binyamin Netanyahu will be well placed to form a coalition government once again. AIJAC offers its congratulations to Mr Netanyahu.”

He added: “Regardless of one’s political opinion, it is to be hoped that, after the last four years of repeatedly deadlocked election outcomes and two shaky and short-lived governments, Israel can now have an extended period of stable government under a coalition with a solid Knesset majority.”

Dr. Rubenstein also said, “AIJAC also offers our gratitude and appreciation to the members of the outgoing government, including Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett, who led it at various times. The outgoing, very diverse coalition government deserves credit for some significant accomplishments over its 16 months in office. These include maintaining security in the face of growing terrorism from the West Bank rooted in the decline of Palestinian Authority governance, furthering the growth and vibrancy of the Abraham Accords with Israel’s Arab neighbours, and implementing policies to better address the needs of Israeli Arab communities. However, Israel has many long-term challenges that can only really be addressed by a government able to maintain policy continuity over several years.”

He added, “One concerning issue in this election has been the apparent electoral success of far-right extremist Itamar Ben Gvir, and his Jewish Power party, running as part of the larger Religious Zionism list. Ben Gvir is a former disciple of the late Jewish racist extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane, and while Ben Gvir has somewhat softened his anti-democratic and anti-Arab rhetoric in recent months, his rise is nonetheless genuinely worrisome for anyone who cares about the future of Israel’s vibrant democracy, multicultural society and liberal values.

“Ben Gvir’s success can largely be attributed to growing unease and fear in Israeli society caused by resurgent Palestinian terrorism, the ongoing Hamas rocket threat from Gaza, and the terrible scenes in May 2021 when Israeli Arab mobs in mixed Jewish-Arab towns attacked Jewish bystanders, homes, businesses and synagogues. Nonetheless, Mr. Ben Gvir’s ugly rhetoric and deplorable promotion of discriminatory and harsh measures are not the answer. AIJAC therefore hopes that any new Israeli government will seek to marginalise his highly negative influence.”

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