YouTube suspends Candace Owens

September 13, 2024 by J-Wire
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YouTube, the Google-owned video platform, suspended antisemitic podcaster Candace Owens earlier this week, the former Daily Wire staffer wrote on social media.

Candace Owens

Owens shared a message from YouTube explaining its reaction, after it said that her video claimed “that Jewish people control the media.”

“There will be no show today, or at all this week. That’s because YouTube has issued me a strike and a one-week suspension for my sit down with Kanye. They also removed the interview as ‘hate speech,’ as it was mass reported by Zionists,” she wrote. “Their tactics never change.”

The interview in question was with musician Kanye West, who goes by Ye, and who has his own long history of Jew-hatred.

“All who watched that podcast know that Ye was calm, and filled with love—speaking about the world coming together to defeat evil,” Owens stated.

She added that 2.5 million people watched her debate the prior week with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. “The world knows why I am being targeted and frankly, I have never felt more confident that I am the right person for this to happen,” she wrote.

A YouTube spokesman told the New York Post that the company has also demonetized Owens, and she would have to apply again in 90 days if she wants to profit from ad revenue on the platform again.

Candace Owens is planning to visit Australia and New Zealand.


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