Early this past Sunday morning, I was looking at the news headlines and reading the latest wretched pontifications from Blinken and Lammy.

Michael Kuttner
They were reported as once again professing their “support” for Israel but, in the same breath, issuing a warning. Their conditional “love” came with a caveat that despite any provocations, Israel must avoid escalatory actions.
I had hardly finished reading this astounding piece of morally reprehensible advice when, precisely at 6:38 a.m., a loud boom sounded, followed by a series of lesser explosions. Knowing that the seasons were changing, I thought at first that this heralded a thunderstorm, but looking out the window, I could see that this was not the case.
The next possibility was the detonation of a terrorist bomb, but in the absence of sirens and other security activity, I realized that no such event had occurred.
That left the probability of a rocket or missile impact somewhere. Sure enough, breaking news quickly revealed that a Houthi-launched missile had broken up over central Israel and fallen on open ground.
How ironic but somehow timely that this latest manifestation of Iranian-sponsored intentions should occur at the very moment that Israel was being warned not to “escalate” action.
It demonstrates, yet again, more pathetic appeasement so beloved of those whose weasel words carry no hint of determination to actually defeat the axis of evil currently confronting not only Israel but also rapidly diminishing democracies.
When Israel retaliates for this latest attack and any future missile strikes, you can be sure that Blinken and Lammy will be at the forefront of a concerted chorus of condemnation. It does not take a genius to predict the convulsions emanating forth from the UN and “morally outraged” foreign ministries when Israel actually acts to defend its citizens. The UN Secretary-General will once more display his righteous wrath not at the criminal terrorists but at the intended victims for having the audacity to actually hit back.
Australia and New Zealand willingly participated in the latest resolution charade at the UN. Australia abstained and then apologised for not voting in favour of condemning Israel. NZ voted with all the slanderers and hypocrites and then pretended it remains even-handed. It is pitiful to see when craven double standards and spinelessness combine in order to appease facilitators of international terror and distorters of history.
The wretched process of duplicitous double standards is not something that has suddenly sprouted. It has always lurked in the political undergrowth and, like noxious weeds, spread its poisonous tentacles, waiting for an ideal opportunity to burst forth.
The amazing aspect about these particular obsessions is the knee-jerk reactions, which conveniently overlook horrendous acts in the rest of the world while concentrating their venom on Israel.
Take the case of Sudan, which, after fifteen months of terror with thousands dead and millions displaced, elicits nary a peep from the UN and human rights champions worldwide. No university protests, no mass demonstrations, no boycotts and certainly no lost sleep by all those convulsing over Israel.
Allegedly, “peaceful” demonstrations by professional agitators are used to cause mayhem and violence, resulting in inevitable casualties. Overseas recruits are used to show the media that outrage against Israel is a universal virtue. When these participants become casualties, the wrath of the hypocrites descends.
Thus, the UN Secretary General suddenly springs to life and Joe Biden wakes from his slumber to express his outrage. Strangely, however, there is a deathly silence when Israelis, Jews and non-Jews alike, are murdered by terror groups. When a US dual citizen is blown up or shot, there is a momentary expression of regret, but otherwise, it is just business as usual.
This usually is followed by a stream of unsolicited advice usually focused on the need to placate the murderers and a warning not to react in any sort of provocative manner.
Using civilians as human shields, firing rockets from the midst of schools, clinics, kindergartens, mosques and homes attracts no sort of international censure. Instead, when Israel attacks these terror nests, everyone convulses in righteous indignation, not at the terrorists but at the country attempting to protect its citizens.
After the six Israeli hostages were executed by Hamas, the usual perfunctory crocodile tears were activated, replaced swiftly thereafter by admonitions against any retaliatory measures. Everyone seems to have already forgotten that PA/Fatah and Hamas have pledged eternal comradeship with Chinese patronage. Despite this open display of mutual terror ambitions, the US State Department declared that “the Palestinian Authority remains a partner and is committed to peace.” This brilliant piece of diplomatic duplicity followed an attack against Israeli civilians in Judea.
The inevitable question follows – where are the human rights champions?
Obviously, the gangster execution of Israeli kidnapped hostages was not important enough for the likes of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch to condemn. After nearly a year of captivity, the International Red Cross has yet to gain access to the hostages and distribute donated lifesaving medications. Like their predecessors who preferred to be fooled by the Nazis and refused to do anything meaningful about blowing the whistle on the concentration camps, today’s representatives have also lapsed into a shameful silence.
Despite clear evidence that it was Hamas who carried out the executions, the United Nations Human Rights Council declared that there was a need to “investigate” who actually did the dastardly deed.
Eleven months after the 7 October pogrom, the US Administration finally got around to issuing Federal terror charges against Hamas leaders. What took them so long? Why has it taken them all this time to actually apportion blame? If elections were not looming, would it have ever happened? Finally, what practical effect will this useless gesture actually achieve?
Meanwhile, the aspiring Ottoman sultan revealed yet again his animosity and ingrained hate against the Jewish State. He issued a rallying cry for the formation of an Islamic alliance against Israel, led no doubt by himself as a latter-day saviour and reincarnation of Saladin. In case his message was not clear enough, Erdogan went on to assert that “Israel seeks to occupy Lebanon, Syria and Turkey between the Tigris and the Euphrates.”
One would think that this outburst of unhinged lies might evince some sort of protest and consequences. Unfortunately, thanks to the morally decrepit state of international relations, neither the UN nor NATO issued any sort of reprimand. Turkey remains a member of good standing at the UN despite flinging the most outrageous slanders against another member state. Instead of NATO expelling Turkey, it looks the other way, and by inaction, it merely validates the hate.
As Hezbollah rockets pound northern Israel and thousands remain homeless, a top US official explains what passes for a magic solution. Diplomacy, he asserts, is the only way to avert catastrophic consequences. Presumably, it is the same sort of diplomacy that resulted in a spectacular end to human rights in Afghanistan and abandoned allies to the tender mercies of the Taliban. The extinguishing of Tibetan independence is another example of brilliant US diplomacy. The Iranian march to nuclear blackmail status is another victory for US diplomacy. In the face of Iranian drones being sent to Russia, plus continuing Russian and Chinese support for the Mullahs, we can all see how successful US diplomatic measures have been. North Korea’s blatant development of nuclear weapons is another perfect example of “successful” US diplomacy in action.
Is it any wonder that most sane Israelis have nothing but contempt for the wretched situations that currently prevail?
The worst part is the complete absence of any international leader like Winston Churchill, who is prepared to defeat today’s axis of evil.