Woollahra mayor visits Israel’s ambassador

October 27, 2023 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The mayor of the Sydney municipality of Woollahra visited Canberra yesterday with a personal message to Israel’s ambassador to Australia.

This follows a letter Mayor Richard Shields sent to Ambassador Amir Maimon earlier this month following Oct 7 advising him of the Council “acknowledging this shocking act and calling for my fellow Councillor colleagues to stand with Israel and condemn the deadly attacks by Hamas on Israel”.

A Mayoral Minute included a decision “to fly the Israeli flag to demonstrate our solidarity with Israel.”

Ambassador Amir Maimon with Mayor Richard Shields.


One Response to “Woollahra mayor visits Israel’s ambassador”
  1. Liat Kirby says:

    Thank you, Mayor Richard Shields. How extraordinary that it is only the second official letter of support the Ambassador has received.

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