Women power focuses on ageing
Woman Power and the National Council of Jewish Women have hosted the first of a series of functions in Sydney to focus attention on ageing as an intergenerational issue for the community.
This first event ‘Celebrating Ageing Together’ was original, entertaining and inspiring.
Storyteller Donna Sife enthralled the large and enthusiastic audience of women AND a couple of men with enchanting stories about wisdom and ageing experiences. The Older Women’s Network Theatre Group wowed the audience with song and dance and original lyrics about challenging ageism within ourselves and against ageist attitudes. Kate Turner confronted mythologies and assumptions about ageing, and Red Spider Woman (Margaret Behan) a Cheyenne elder visiting Australia from the Mountains of Montana, talked about the role of grandmothers, representing the international organisation 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, a new global alliance of grandmothers dedicated to education and healing for the world.
The new Woman Power logo ‘Celebrating Ageing Together’ was launched and will be a badge proudly worn by people of all ages. Badges were designed and donated by Janet Sernack and are available at Woman Power functions.
The next ‘Celebrating Ageing Together’ function will be held by Woman Power in collaboration with Montefiore Home at the Burger Centre on Monday 23 November, a seminar ‘Legal Matters for Later Life’. This is an information event designed to provide important information so necessary for later life (Baby Boomers, new retirees and the elderly) to feel safe, valued and legally in control of their resources and lifestyles.