WJC delivers petition calling for Hamas to return the bodies of fallen soldiers to Israel
World Jewish Congress CEO and Executive Vice President Robert Singer has delivered a petition holding more than 11,000 signatures to ICRC President Dr. Peter Maurer at a meeting in Geneva, asking the International Committee of the Red Cross to pressure the Hamas terror organisation into returning the bodies of fallen Israeli soldiers Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin to their families.
In 2014, during Operation Protective Edge, IDF Staff Sergeant Oron Shaul, age 20, and Lieutenant Hadar Goldin, age 23, were both abducted by Hamas. The IDF has concluded, based on forensic evidence, that both soldiers were killed in action. Nearly three years later, the Shaul and Goldin families are still in a state of perpetual limbo, unable to give their sons proper burial in Israel.
During a meeting today at the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva, WJC CEO Singer presented ICRC President Maurer with a petition containing the names of over 11,000 individuals worldwide, who have engaged on behalf of the families of the fallen soldiers, demanding that Hamas return the bodies of the two fallen Israelis. At the meeting, Singer expressed his faith that the Red Cross would act honorably, in accordance with its mandate, and do all that it is possible to have the bodies of these two fallen soldiers repatriated.
President Maurer stated that he has met with the Shaul and Goldin families regarding this important matter, and thanked the World Jewish Congress for presenting the ICRC with the extensive petition.