WJC criticises ADL reaction to Trump statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day
The World Jewish Congress has responded to the Anti-Defamation League’s criticism of a statement made by US President Donald Trump on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Ronald S. Lauder
ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt tweeted on Friday that Trump’s statement was “puzzling and troubling” because it refers to “depravity and horror” inflicted on “innocent people” by the Nazis and fails to mention that the victims were Jews.
WJC president Ronald S. Lauder said: “It does no honour to the millions of Jews murdered in the Holocaust to play politics with their memory.
“Any fair reading of the White House statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day will see it appropriately commemorates the suffering and the heroism that mark that dark chapter in modern history.
“There are enough real antisemitism and true threats facing the Jewish people today. Our community gains nothing if we reach a point where manufactured outrages reduce public sensitivity to the real dangers we confront,” Lauder said.
Mr Lauder, You’re correct it does not honour the 6 Million Jews that were murdered, nor does it honour those who are suffering now in Syria and elsewhere in the world to play politics with human life.
Let’s deal with the problem of evil without the politics, it hasn’t worked in the past in won’t work in the future. Like a cancer it needs to be cut out, but the world needs to stand and fight together against this evil. I am not racist as Muslims are not a race, nor an ideology, it is a religion of hate that was established by terrorism.
Fight fire with fire.
About time some of the snowflakes inhabiting positions of responsibility in the USA woke up to themselves–or in Aussie vernacular–gave themselves an upper cut.
Well done WJC
We all know 6 million victims were European Hebrews and on a per capita basic of all European Hebrews they were the higher percentage slaughtered.
However a further 8 million non Hebrews, also mostly fellow Europeans, were murdered in the National Socialist German Worker Party (Nazi) concentration camps.
USA President Trump may have been talking about all the victims.
The Jerusalem Post answered your question yesterday.