Wait, there’s more!

June 15, 2023 by J-Wire
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Three days after the announcement of the King’s Birthday awards. South Australia has produced its third Jewish recipient and NSW has another AM


Leon Bynes

Leon Robert BYNER, Oakden SA 5086

For service to radio broadcast media.

Radio Broadcaster

  • Host, Mornings with Leon Byner, FIVEaa, Nova Entertainment, Adelaide, since 2000.
  • Broadcaster, 5KA/KAFM, Adelaide, 1975-2000.

Leon told J-Wire: “I am humbled by receiving an OAM and regard it as an honour in recognising my focus on helping the community. It’s gratifying to know the assistance gets to where its most needed. ”

Sorry Leon! Mazeltov.


Associate Professor George Andrew SKOWRONSKI, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

George Skowronski

For significant service to intensive care medicine, and to medical research.

St George Hospital, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, New South Wales Health

  • Lead Clinician, Clinical Ethics, current.
  • Senior Staff Specialist, Intensive Care Unit, 1995-2017.
  • Director, Division of Critical Care, 1997-2001.
  • Conjoint Senior Lecturer, Department of Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care, St George Hospital Clinical School, 1996-2001.
  • Chairman, Senior Medical Staff Council, 1999-2001.

St George Private Hospital

  • Director, Intensive Care Unit, 1995-2019.
  • Chair, Medical Advisory Committee, 2010-2019.
  • Intensive Care Specialist.

University of New South Wales

  • Associate Professor, Critical Care, current.
  • Conjoint Appointees Representative, Standing Committee, Faculty of Medicine, 2000-2004.


  • Member, Clinical Ethics Committee, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, New South Wales Health, current.
  • Professional Advisor, New South Wales Healthcare Complaints Commission, current.
  • Former Director, Intensive Care Foundation.

St George and Sutherland Medical Research Foundation

  • Founding Director, 2002-2021.
  • Former Treasurer.
  • Former Chair, Finance and Risk Sub-Committee.

Australian Drug Evaluation Committee

  • Associate Member, 1997-1999.
  • Member, Life-Threatening Conditions Subcommittee, 1992-1997.

Royal Australasian College of Physicians

  • Member, Specialties Board, 1995-1997.
  • Chairman, Specialist Advisory Committee in Intensive Care Medicine, 1987-1992.




Professional Associations

  • President, Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society, 1993-1995.
  • State Councillor, Australian Salaried Medical Officers Association, 2004-2006.
  • Chairman, Economics and Practices Committee, Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society, 2002-2004.
  • Member, Expert Advisory Panel, Critical Care Medicine, United States Pharmacopeial Convention, 1995-2001.
  • Examiner, Faculty of Intensive Care, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, 1992-2002.
  • Member, Intensive Care Working Party, Australian Council for Healthcare Standards, 1995-1996.
  • State Councillor, Australian Medical Association.

Flinders Medical Centre Intensive Care Unit

  • Senior Visiting Specialist, 1990-1994.
  • Senior Staff Specialist, 1985-1990.
  • Staff Specialist, 1983-1985.
  • Senior Registrar, 1980.


  • Lecturer, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Flinders University, 1986-1994.
  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The University of Adelaide, 1994-1995.

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