Volunteering from the heart
Every year, Melbourne’s Jewish Care’s 460 volunteers contribute over 35,000 hours of amazing community support. With National Volunteer Week around the corner, it’s a great time to recognise their important work and say thank you to volunteers who lead their life with a genuine spirit of giving, just like Anne Korman.
Anne Korman has been a highly dedicated Jewish Care volunteer for more than 12 years. At 81-years young, she is a proud mother and grandmother with a heart of gold. Anne leads an active life and is always open to new volunteering opportunities.
As a child immigrant to Australia, Anne was inspired by her hardworking parents Helda and Ernest Springer, and especially her mother who did not let language and gender barriers stop her from being an advocate for Holocaust refugees.
Over the years, Anne has been involved in a variety of volunteering activities at Jewish Care – from friendly visits, packing gift bags for those in need, and facilitating computer classes for seniors to providing transportation assistance, administration, fundraising and events support. So too, Anne is a committed volunteer for other important community causes such as the Jewish Museum of Australia and the Mount Scopus School Op-Shop.
Every week Anne pays two visits to Gary Smorgon House and The Mark and Dina Munzer Community Residence, where she spends time with residents and makes them feel needed and recognised. In addition, she provides transportation assistance to Montefiore residents, enabling them to go to doctors’ appointments.
In 2011, Anne worked closely with Holocaust survivor and Jewish Care resident Trudie Aldor, carefully documenting her most important life moments for future generations. As a result of Anne’s amazing involvement, Trudie was able to produce her own book called Reflections.
“Volunteering at Jewish Care has been a very positive experience,” said Anne Korman. “Indeed, when one gets to a certain age and paid work is no longer an option, volunteering makes one feel useful again. As a volunteer, I get as much back as I give! I appreciate the joy of being in touch with lovely people, both recipients and staff at Jewish Care. Thank you for including me.”
In addition to her volunteer duties, Anne loves being with her children and grandchildren and also finds time to play bridge, read books, explore social media and travel around the world.
To find out more about how we can match your skills and interests with volunteering opportunities at Jewish Care, please visit www.jewishcare.org.au/volunteer or contact Sharon Malecki at
(03) 8517 5700 or [email protected]