Violence against women on the agenda
The President of the Rabbinical Association of Australasia Rabbi Yaakov Glasman and The Ark Centre’s Rabbi Gabi Kaltman have met for with the new Executive Director of White Ribbon Australia Brad Chilcott in Melbourne.

Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann, Brad Chilcott and Rabbi Yaakov Glasman
The three discussed the relaunch of the White Ribbon project and the importance of ending violence against women specifily in the Jewish community.
Rabbi Gabi said after the meeting. “For too long society has swept the issues relating to domestic violence under the rug and pretended it didn’t exist. To make change, we have to promote respectful relationships and invoke attitudes that do not maintain the unacceptable status quo. Challenging the underlying drivers of family violence – namely, gender inequality, stereotypes about masculinity, and community attitudes that condone or excuse violence – is key to prevention, alongside greater support and services for those who are affected.”