Victorian State Government awards grant to the RCV

July 1, 2013 by J-Wire Staff
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The Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) has been awarded a grant of $60,000 from the Victorian State Government.

Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant

Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant

The funding has been welcomed by the RCV as a sign of the Government’s esteem and appreciation of the exemplary work of the Victorian Rabbinate.

“It is a tremendous vote of confidence, to know that the Victorian Government through its Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship, Nicholas Kotsiras, has chosen to renew its partnership with the RCV and to invest in its work” said RCV President, Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant.

“As we come to the end of our five-year strategic plan, we are now planning for the next phase of our activities” Rabbi Kluwgant said.

Previous grants have assisted the RCV in its efforts on a wide range of issues relevant to the Jewish community and to the broader Victorian public.

Professional development has been provided to member Rabbis and their Rebbetzins in areas such as mental health, counselling, domestic violence and child sexual abuse. The organisation has engaged with the leaders of other faiths and communities. Whilst these endeavours continue and grow, the RCV is now also working on establishing an effective Beis Din (religious court) to provide resolution of financial disputes, as well as a number of educational projects.

“We look forward to further developing the service and religious leadership to the community that this grant will enable us to provide” Rabbi Kluwgant said.


One Response to “Victorian State Government awards grant to the RCV”
  1. With long-established links between intolerance of homosexuality and youth suicide, mental health issues and self-harm, the RCV would be well placed to apply for funding to research the extent of this problem in the Orthodox community. Alternatively, they could embrace homosexuality as a normal, natural expression of human sexuality, save themselves the hassle and do their community a massive favour.

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