Victoria Police calling for a system for protest permits
Victoria Police has called for legislation changes to introduce a permit system for protests.

Naomi Levin
Naomi Levin, the Jewish Community Council of Victoria CEO, has signalled the organisation’s support.
She said: “The current laws in Victoria do not adequately balance the rights to free speech and freedom of association, and the freedom for all to move safely through public areas,”
Our community saw this most obviously last November when a group of protesters took to the
suburban streets of Caulfield, intimidating local Jewish residents and forcing the evacuation of a
synagogue service.
The JCCV values free speech and believes that having permits will not stifle this right. Having a permit system in place will ensure that the general population can continue to safely access public spaces without harassment, intimidation, or violence that we have seen.
While, on the other hand, protesters exercise their right to demonstrate peacefully.”