US$230 million for Israel’s Arabs

September 2, 2015 Agencies
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Israel’s Arab municipal councils will receive a one-time budgetary supplement of $230 million from the Israeli government before the end of the year.

Israel_dark_blue_border.svgThere are a number of predominantly Arab towns and local councils in Israel, most of which are characterised by poor populations.

“The aid plan is a significant rectification and yet another step designed to integrate Israel’s Arab citizens into Israeli society as equals among equals,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday, Israel Hayom reported.

Israeli government support for Arab sector councils will increase by $38 million, with another $13 million allocated for the councils’ “development budgets.” Additionally, $89 million will be awarded to “outstanding local councils,” $34 million will be invested in “advancing plans for informal education in Arab councils,” and $38 million will be devoted to “strengthening personal security in Arab communities by means of police installations, city-without-violence programs, and assigning police personnel,” according to the Prime Minister’s Office.


2 Responses to “US$230 million for Israel’s Arabs”
  1. Erica Edelman says:

    The respectable Israeli-Arab populations will be very pleased and appreciative.
    Hamas, Fatah and other terrorist-affiliated groups
    Will be very reluctant to acknowledge this contribution.
    It’s not news-worthy. It’s not about Israel bashing. It’s about
    Decency and sincerity and a government doing what it’s supposed
    To do – look after its citizens.

  2. Marta Mikey Frid says:

    And why doesn’t this make world news?

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