Unpacked for educators strengthens Jewish education in Australia

August 4, 2024 by Rob Klein
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Two representatives from Unpacked for Educators, a pioneering educational platform based in Israel, recently conducted a two week visit to Australia aimed at enriching Jewish and Israel education.

Hona Dodge addresses Masada students

This initiative combines multimedia content with dynamic educational resources and boasts over 10,000 users. The mission is to revolutionize learning within Jewish educational contexts through engaging and media-rich teaching tools.

The outreach was led by Avi Posen, the Senior Director of Israel Education, and Hona Dodge, Education Associate, both from Israel. Their tour included stops at many Jewish schools including Mount Scopus, Bialik College, King David School in Melbourne, Moriah College, Emanuel School in Sydney, and Carmel School in Perth. They also engaged with community members at local synagogues including Mizrachi in Melbourne and Kehillat Kadima in Sydney, and interacted with Bnei Akiva youth groups across Melbourne, Sydney, and Perth.

During their visit, Avi remarked, “Our goal was not just to provide resources but to ignite a spark of curiosity and critical thinking about Israel and Jewish identity among students.” The team conducted workshops and discussions on various pertinent topics, including “Navigating Social Media When Israel is at War”, “The Top 5 Zionist Moments Everyone Should Know” and “Unpacking Post-October 7 Israel through Music”. These sessions were tailored to be interactive; challenging students to engage deeply with complex issues.

The response from educators and students was exceptionally positive. Educators found the sessions both inspiring and practically beneficial for teaching. Posen noted, “Seeing the enthusiasm and the insightful questions from the students was truly rewarding. It reaffirms our commitment to this kind of educational engagement.”

“Across the board, we found Australian students to be knowledgeable, proud, and motivated to learn and share the Jewish story in all its beauty and complexity. The post-Oct. 7 world has certainly impacted them, particularly through social media, interactions with non-Jewish friends, and the rise in antisemitism in Australia. However, we were inspired by their motivation and hunger to learn more,” commented Avi.

Looking ahead, Unpacked for Educators plans to continue their deep involvement with the Jewish communities in Australia. “This visit was just the beginning. We’re planning more intensive training sessions, curriculum development, and community engagement activities to further enrich Jewish education here,” said Posen.

Unpacked for Educators is working to create a well-informed, strong, and active generation that can support and represent Jewish and Israeli views globally. Their unique educational methods are expected to have a global impact, influencing how people understand Jewish history, culture, and values.

For more on Unpacked for Educators see: https://unpacked.education/


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