UN votes to give ‘State of Palestine’ leadership of developing-nations bloc
In a landslide, the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday voted to grant the “State of Palestine” additional temporary rights and privileges that will enable it to head the largest bloc of developing countries at the United Nations.
Of the 164 voting countries, fifteen abstained, just three—Israel, the United States and Australia—opposed, and 146 voted in favour of Resolution A/73/L.5, which will give the “State of Palestine” extra rights for the year it chairs the Group of 77, the biggest bloc of developing countries at the United Nations, starting Jan. 1, 2019.
Palestine’s delegates will now be able to raise procedural motions, co-sponsor proposals and amendments, and make statements and explain votes on behalf of the G7.
The Palestinian Authority, which only has observer status at the United Nations, will now head a consortium of 134 countries that often speaks as one entity at the General Assembly, a group that comprises 80 per cent of the world’s population and three-quarters of U.N. member states.
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Halley called the move a “mistake,” and noted that “Palestinians are not a U.N. member state—or any state at all.” As such, she said, it should not be given rights issued to legitimate member states.
Israel’s Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Noa Furman said the resolution demonstrates the P.A.’s “pattern of manipulative behaviour” and warned that the vote gave the Arab entity even more rights than necessary to preside over the G77.
Deputy U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jonathan Cohan said that the United States would not change its position on Palestinian statehood as a result of the decision.
“When the Palestinians speak as chair of the G77 in the General Assembly, we will remind our fellow member-states that the United States does not recognize that there is a Palestinian state and that no such state has been admitted as a U.N. member state,” he said.
Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom all said that their vote was intended to enable Palestine to chair the G77, and was not a recognition of Palestinian statehood. They further emphasized that the issuance of rights was only for a year.
Couldn’t put it better myself, Erica. An absolute farce. The UN has lot all credibility and all the countries voting ‘yes’ for this must be living in a cocoon that denies reality.
That is Why for years I thought I was ALONE; in Yellng:
There is “NO STATE OF PALESTINE”. Finally Nickky is Not Shy! The White-House stopped being SHY. and recently Stated Openly to the MEDIA For all to See & Hear:
“There is no STATE of PALESTINE”
By Us the Jews/Israel Using this False LABEL; we are actually Admitting to their LIE as if it was TRUTH. We are Living in a “World Of LIES” and the UN is “The House Of LIES”
Have we forgotten how the 6million perished? And what happened to “NEVER AGAIN”
The Nazis began by delegitimization & de-humanization Of the Jews before it became LAWFUL to MURDER. The Fake “PALESTINIANS” Are delegitimizing ISRAEL & Zionism & JEWS! With No Secret that they PERCIEVE that all of the LAND of ISRAEL was always & is Now “PALESTINE” and therefore in their BIZARRE mind they have the G-d Givdn RIGHT to “Liberate” & MURDER every JEW (G-d Forbid)
So why are the JEWISH Organizations SHY in telling the World as it is!
@WordsDoCount !!
#WordsDoCount !!!
And WE must begin by Stating the COMPLETE TRUTH
1) State Of “Palestine” NEVER EXISTED please do not use that FALSE ROMAN LABEL;
2) using the LABEL “West-Bank” implies that that area is “Palestine”; with No Connection to JUDEA-SAMARIA. Please do not use that LABEL. There are CONSEQUENCES when one Attacks ISRAEL & the Jews; their intent in 1967 was to completely ANAHILATE ALL of the Jews & ISRAEL;
3) We are NOT “Occupants” Of “Palestine” IT DOES NOT EXIST;
However; ADDMIT (tell them the TRUTH) “We are OCCUPANTS of the LEGAL Modern STATE of ISRAEL; our HOME on (only a part of) LAND OF ISRAEL (not Palestine!);
4) please consider in Ceasing to Use the Term “Occupied Territories”; when Jordan was there; it was them who “Occupied” Illegally “Territories!” (BRITISH Empires Paritioned Territories) Of LAND OF ISRAEL
And PLEASE, PLEASE do not be influenced & Appease the UN nor Anyone Else by withholding Vital Information because it’s “SENSITIVE” & May “Offend” our Enemies
Be BRAVE and
Don’t Ever Be Shy in telling the WHOLE TRUTH
Lets see how Palestine preforms first before passing judgement on their new UN role.
WTF??? What sort of a charade/farce is this?
Could it be ANY clearer that the U.N. is top-heavy
With Arab states ? Just tell me how that works? I give up !