Top speakers for UIA

February 26, 2015 by J-Wire Staff
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The NSW United Israel Appeal has a bumper line up of speakers and defenders of Israel to headline its 2015 Campaign.

Richard Kemp

Richard Kemp

The events will take the Community on a journey which celebrates the success of Israel and will demonstrate the continued need for Diaspora support. Funds raised through the events will continue to support Israel’s most vulnerable populations – Youth at risk, the Elderly and Olim.

UIA NSW President Lance Rosenberg stated that “when supporting the UIA, you are supporting Israel’s most valuable asset – OUR PEOPLE! It is inspiring to see the unique impact that the money we raise here in Australia through the UIA can have on Israel’s most vulnerable populations.”

UIA CEO Yair Miller continued that “The vital work of the UIA impacts directly on the lives of so many immigrants and vulnerable in Israel ensuring that they are given opportunity and hope. No other organisation can claim the reach or diversity of programming that the UIA/Keren Hayesod delivers.”

UIA NSW are hosting an exceptional line-up of international speakers;

Colonel Richard Kemp and Brigadier General Dr Daniel Gold will headline the General and Young Leadership Division Events on Sunday 8 March, Monday 9 March

Daniel Gold

Daniel Gold

and Tuesday 10 March.

Kemp, a former Commander of British Forces, has spent most of his life combating terrorism and insurgency. He was instrumental in refuting Judge Goldstone’s allegations of war crimes against the IDF during Operation Cast Lead in 2009. Kemp testified before the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, denying allegations that Israel engaged in war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Gaza War in December 2008 to January 2009. In October 2009, Kemp made a presentation to the United Nations Human Rights Council in response to the introduction of the Goldstone report in which Israel and Hamas were accused of war crimes and possible crimes against humanity during the Gaza War.

Gold is the inventor of the “Iron Dome” missile and rocket defence system and is the former head of research and development at the Israel Ministry of Defence. Gold was awarded the Israel Defence prize in 2012 for his role in developing “Iron Dome” which potentially saved hundreds of lives in the recent Operation Protective Edge.

Rosenberg concluded: “These are true defenders of Israel. They have inspiring stories to tell and we hope all members of our Community will respond in kind and show support for our events and ensure we play our part in defending Israel.”


3 Responses to “Top speakers for UIA”
  1. Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

    Sydney will be truly inspired by the speakers at UIA 2015.
    We the Jews of the Diaspora and Israel are under threat, Anti-Semitism cloaked in the form of anti Israel rhetoric is endemic, we must stand unite against the scourge.
    It does not matter if we are Orthodox, Secular, Traditional or Ultra-Orthodox now is the time to stand Shoulder-to-shoulder to protect the future of our children, our families, our communities and Israel.

    • David Adler says:

      That is exactly why many Israeli politicians are now saying they do want the diaspora to behave as a “wallet for Israel” but better to invest locally in Jewish education and Yiddishkite.

      It is indeed important at this time to strengthen the local communities as a priority. So the priority should be $ to local Jewish causes now. This is not 1948 and the Israeli economy and growth is doing fine.

      • Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

        We need to strengthen both fronts.
        Jewish Education and Life in the Diaspora and financial support to strengthen Israel.
        Although there is a vibrant high tech sector in Israel which is creating huge wealth from export income for many, unfortunately there is also increasing poverty, it is reported that over one million children go to school in the morning without eating an proper breakfast.

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