Three Israelis killed at Jordan border crossing used for aid trucks

September 8, 2024 by Pesach Benson
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Three Israelis were killed in a shooting attack at a border crossing with Jordan used for trucks delivering aid to Gaza on Sunday morning, Magen David Adom announced.

Road sign ahead of King Hussein Bridge Border Crossing, also known as the Allenby Bridge, on June 21, 2023. Photo by Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS

“This is a very serious incident, we saw 3 men lying unconscious with no pulse and no breathing with gunshot wounds in their bodies. Together with an IDF medical force we performed CPR on them, after which unfortunately we had to pronounce them dead on the spot,” said MDA medic Yotam Tzur.

The three victims were identified as workers at the Allenby Crossing, all in their 50s.

According to initial reports, a Jordanian truck driver coming from Jordanian territory apparently hid a weapon in his truck, retrieved it, and opened fire on people in the cargo terminal area.

The terrorist has been neutralized.

IDF soldiers dispatched to the Allenby Bridge area following a terrorist attack earlier are now operating on-site to rule out the possibility that the terrorist’s truck may be rigged with explosives.

Following the terror attack, Alex Chen, the manager of the Allenby Bridge crossing, confirmed that “the crossing has been closed for inspections until further notice.”

Chen also reported that the terrorist was neutralized by a security guard from the Israel Airports Authority at the scene.

One of the victims was named as Yochanan Shachori, who worked at the crossing.

Shachori was a resident of Ma’ale Efraim in the Jordan Valley.

Further updates on the reopening of the crossing and the investigation will follow as the situation develops.

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