The Great Synagogue vandalised

July 14, 2024 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies has reported that Sydney’s The Great Synagogue has been vandalised.

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President David Ossip said: “Over the past nine months its services have been regularly disrupted to accommodate often incendiary protests in its immediate vicinity. Now The Great Synagogue itself has come under attack.

Let’s be clear – targeting a synagogue is pure, unadulterated antisemitism which is intended to have a chilling and intimidating effect on members of the Synagogue and the Jewish community more broadly.

Despicable conduct such as this is completely antithetical to our Australian way of life. Places of worship are sacred and should be places of safety, refuge and comfort.

This is truly outrageous behaviour and we are appalled. Enough is surely enough.

If you have so far remained silent, now is the time to speak up.”

The Great Synagogue’s president, David Lewis, told J-Wire: “We are shocked and disappointed at the targeting of The Great Synagogue by protesters on Sunday, 14th July.

The Great Synagogue is a place of worship for the Sydney Jewish community; it is a place of beauty, community and has been the cornerstone of many Jewish holidays, events and celebrations for over a century.
To see a place that is so pivotal for the Sydney Jewish community being deliberately targeted by protestors and damaged through acts of vandalism is not only upsetting; it is totally unacceptable.
A place of worship for any faith is not a place where it is appropriate to promote a political agenda or be targeted for protests. No matter the political climate, our community deserves to feel safe within our place of worship without fear.”


5 Responses to “The Great Synagogue vandalised”
  1. Sam smith says:

    Allowed to happen because Labor is weak. “Greens” are Jew haters. Jews will never be safe under this gov.
    Make the police and courts due their job, protect everyone, not just some.

  2. Lynne Newington says:

    Heart breaking for the community and all those of goodwill.

  3. Michelle Baird says:

    Call in the army and use tear gas. This is the only way to combat this constant display of Antisemitism. There is no leadership in the country and weakness gives carte blanche to these constant displays of outrageous behaviour which would not be tolerated for an instant by any other religious organisations. It is absolutely disgusting.

  4. Alan Shroot says:

    An absolute disgrace to target a place of worship. I condemn this action.

    Alan Shroot.

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