The “cycle of violence” continues and New Zealand remains silent
This past weekend, more than 700 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israeli civilian areas.

Dr David Cumin
It is only because Israel has developed the iron dome and invested in warning systems and bomb shelters that only four Israelis were murdered by this barrage. And because of the Palestinian terror groups’ lack of respect for life, a Palestinian mother and child were killed by a rocket that fell short of the border. The IDF targeted terror leaders and over 280 targets belonging to Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas.
To some, this is a “cycle of violence” that needs to end and “both sides” must “show restraint”. Such a moral equivalence – between designated terror groups firing into civilian areas from behind their civilians (a double war crime) and the IDF that takes extraordinary measures to protect all civilian life – is morally devoid.
The media and politicians who focus on the loss of life and not the genocidal intent of Hamas or the acts of Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other terror groups (funded by Iran) do not help peace; rather, they encourage the terror groups to hide among civilians to maximise collateral casualties should Israel attempt to defend herself.
It has been pleasing to see leaders and representatives of many democratic countries clearly condemn the terror from Gaza. And it is shameful that New Zealand Ministers and officials are silent, yet again. The last time a Minister clearly condemned terror against Israel was Helen Clark in 2006 – she said “The message to Hamas and Hezbollah must be that confrontation and violence are destroying the prospects for a peace settlement in the Middle East.”
The message to Hamas since then from the New Zealand government’s silence is “we don’t mind what you’re doing”.
That is as shameful as that lack of any comment about New Zealand funding UNRWA – which has been shown to promote terror – and the lack of ministerial comment on the Pittsburgh terror attack in 2018. It was opposition MP, Alfred Ngaro, who put forward a motion in the house about Pittsburgh and he is also the only MP to have posted concern over the terror attacks against Israel on his social media.
It is important to keep history in mind – and not only the history of the Holocaust and the importance of speaking up. Hamas took over the Gaza strip in 2006 elections and a bloody 2007 coup. This followed the complete (and unilateral) withdrawal of Israeli soldiers and all Jews in 2005. It was hoped that without Jews, the coastal area would flourish under Arab rule and become the Singapore of the Middle East. Instead, Hamas started attacking Israel and increased border security was required, including a naval blockade that Sir Geoffrey Palmer reported to the UN was “…a legitimate security measure in order to prevent weapons from entering Gaza by sea…”.
I’m sure the majority of Kiwis would clearly condemn terror against Israel – just as the majority of Kiwis support the Jewish state. It is just frustrating when the mainstream media and our elected ministers and officials don’t reflect that.
Readers might like to know that Pastor Nigel Woodley has paid for and published a Full Page advertisement Titled “At 71 ISRAEL as a Jewish State is JUSTIFIED” 2 maps are included. This advertisement was published in 10 daily newspapers, today May 14th. All University towns were covered plus some other provincial papers as well.
So we the friends of Israel are active, and will continue to be so. If you would like to talk about things email me at
john McCormick
New zealand
Liat, about 2011/12 Pastor Nigel Woodley who lives up the road from me collected nearly 12000 signatures on a petition to Parliament calling on New Zealand to support Israeli control and settlement of the entire west bank. That is a big petition by our standards.
There is huge support expressed quietly for Trump’s moving the USA embassy to Jerusalem and for the Golan heights . It is interesting to note concerning the Golan that the current border is almost the same as it was in 1920. New Zealanders don’t like terrorists. Yes we have always supported a Jewish state. We voted against the Zionism is racism resolution in the UN many years ago.
The recent memorial to the Christchurch attack in parliament with its Moslem call to prayer caused much disquiet with many letters to MP’s tell them in plain English what they thought of that prayer and it being broadcast nation wide from within the House.. Never again.
We have just had our first terrorist attack ever. It was bigger to New Zealand than 9/11 was per capita to the USA. We will see what the outcome of that is over time.
Pastor Nigel Woodley and I launched a campaign against UN SC res 2334 on new years eve 2017 a week after it was passed. We made it an issue for all MP’s and an everyday issue for the public.
Last winter National Leader Simon Bridges went on a Meet the people tour of provincial New Zealand. When he came to my neighbouring town of Waipawa I challenged him on 2334. He made the comment that was a question asked at nearly every meeting. The National party has now walked away from support for that resolution and have said so publicly.
In ten days or so I am going to parliament to attend a National Party foreign policy forum. that’s something that has not happened for many years. I will be bringing up the issues David raises and issues such as the silence from parliament when UNESCO past resolutions saying that the Temple mount is only a Moslem place. Politicians have a habit of not speaking out on issues such as this if we are not on the committee that makes the decision. That has to change both in Wellington and Canberra.
The different response from the current Prime Minister of New Zealand to the Ski Lanka shooting to that of Pittsburg and Poway is stark. She could not get on the phone fast enough to the Ski Lankan Prime Minister but when it comes to Pittsburg and Poway she is deadly silent. With the official response of condolence being done at foreign Minister level. They then refusal to release the foreign ministers letter to me about Pittsburg. The only time she cannot avoid saying something is in the House. I have yet to ask for a copy of the ministers letter about Poway. I will most likely have to try to get the letters to Pompeo under the Official Information act. When a week after Christchurch during a peace parade in Auckland the Leader of the MT Roskill Mosque spoke claiming that Mossad and Zionist business people funded and supported the Christchurch terrorist. Nobody spoke out against his comments except the Jewish Community. The PM said Nothing in fact leaders of all Parties in the House were silent. Not so the public. People who know me were quick to tell me their thoughts and that they were
not proud of the silence of MP’s.
So yes the people of New Zealand both religious and secular well and truly support Israel but our members of Parliament and many in the media don’t reflect that.
John McCormick
Hawkes Bay Province Friends of Israel
Do we have statistics to the effect that the majority of New Zealanders support a Jewish State, or condemn terror against Israel? This can’t be assumed, especially in today’s climate.