The Collective at Our Big Kitchen
Australian boy band The Collective has visited Our Big Kitchen in Bondi where the baked food for the needy…and followed up the session by delivering what they produced to the needy.
The five members, none of whom is Jewish, hail from Queensland, NSW, and South Australia.
OBK CEO Rabbi Dovid Slavin told J-Wire: “Our Big Kitchen’s reputation has spread into the wider community and the boys wanted to express their increased awareness of the plight of the needy.”
The commercial kitchen which works mainly for charity has been visited recently by over 600 students from non Jewish schools….and some of them were lucky enough to see The Collective at work helping the underprivileged.
For Trent Bell, Julian De Zizio, Zach Russell, Jayden Sierra and Will Singe it was a peek into a different world from screaming fans, packed venues and the sweet smell of success.
“They came to us”, said Rabbi Slavin. “They wanted to help those not as fortunate as themselves…one good deed a day…that is their objective.”