Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer – a movie review by Roz Tarszisz

May 18, 2017 by  

Shlemazel* is the best Yiddish word to describe Norman.

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The Sense of an Ending – a movie review by Roz Tarszisz

May 16, 2017 by  

British actors can do grumpy old men really well, and the protagonist here is very good at it.

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Don’t Tell – a movie review by Roz Tarszisz

May 14, 2017 by  

Paedophilia may not sound like the subject for a night out at the movies, but director Tori Garrett has created a compelling Australian tale of lost innocence.

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Whiteley – a movie review by Roz Tarszisz

May 8, 2017 by  

“Somewhere between struggle and rage there’s IT” said Brett Whiteley in this documentary charting his life, work and death.

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The Zookeeper’s Wife: A movie review by James Berardinelli

Not every movie about the Holocaust is expected to be on the same high level as Sophie’s Choice or Schindler’s List, but (especially when the source material is factual) more is expected than the familiar melodrama and faux tension delivered by Niki Caro’s The Zookeeper’s Wife. [Read more]

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