Movie Reviews
J-Wire publishes reviews from Roz Tarszisz, Glen Falkenstein and James Berardinelli
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J-Wire publishes reviews from Roz Tarszisz, Glen Falkenstein and James Berardinelli
September 24, 2017 by Roz Tarszisz
I was accompanied by two young fans who were excited by the prospect of the latest outing in the Lego movie franchise. Well, that and a train ride into the city.
September 13, 2017 by Roz Tarszisz
I thought an animated film for children was supposed to have stuff aimed at grownups, some sly jokes at our level, at least enough to keep us from falling asleep.
August 22, 2017 by Roz Tarszisz
In this engrossing story of triumph over physical adversity, you have to wait for beauty to emerge. [Read more]
July 31, 2017 by Roz Tarszisz
Like a dish described on a menu, some things don’t always live up to the promise. A road movie with two (very) mature Englishwomen, running away from home and behaving disgracefully, plus the promise of late life romance, sounded delicious.
June 2, 2017 by Roz Tarszisz
As I have been pleasantly surprised before by films I might not have considered my ‘thing’, I did not hesitate to give this action sci-fi fantasy a go.