The Adventures of Tin Tin ***
Had The Adventures of Tintin been a live motion picture rather than a motion capture-driven animated endeavor, it would have been compared to Raiders of the Lost Ark and Pirates of the Caribbean. As it is, however, with the cartoonish characters set against the photorealistic backdrops, it is a closer cousin to the Uncharted series of video games than to any motion picture. Uncharted 1, 2, and 3 represent some of the most “cinematic” of all console games, but they rely as much on interaction as on their storytelling prowess for their addictive qualities. Take away the playability and the experience goes a little flat, and that’s what we get with The Adventures of Tintin – an unplayable video game that’s fast-paced and amusing but never coming close to the best director Steven Spielberg has offered when in his “pure entertainment” mode.
watch the trailer