Temple Beth Israel launches Yachad
In response to Covid-19, and the community not being able to gather together, prayer offerings have rapidly moved to an entirely virtual space.
With the upcoming High Holy Days, Melbourne’s Temple Beth Israel has decided to do everything possible ensure that services remain accessible to all and continue to be a community of care.
Temple Beth Israel is proud to launch Yachad.org.au, which will host High Holy Day offerings.
“In many ways Covid-19 has taught us that community matters now more than ever” said Rabbi Gersh Lazarow.
“We are delighted to bring this web based platform to our community, ensuring that not only TBI members, but all those interested, are able to access a meaningful New Year.
“While missing out on attending services in person is not easy, we need to do all that we can to not only safeguard life – pikuach nefesh – but to make sure that our people and our tradition thrive” he told J-Wire.

Please join us this Thursday evening at 5:15pm as we launch our digital High Holy Days platform – Yachad!
Celebrate Yachad together and and spread the word about this remarkable platform which will lead us into 5781.
Thursday 20 August, 5:15pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 6375 0800)
Passcode: 5781
Look forward to seeing you on Thursday at 5:15pm!