Media misfires, truth a casualty…writes Emily Gian

August 24, 2014 by  
Filed under Featured Articles

Last Tuesday evening (AEST), just hours before the latest ceasefire in the region was due to expire, terrorists in Gaza fired three Grad rockets which landed near Be’er Sheva and Netivot. Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri said his organisation had no knowledge of the firing of any rockets – a claim that is incredibly hard to believe.  Read more

Ahead of Four Corners

February 10, 2014 by  
Filed under News

Tonight, ABC-TV’s Four Corners will  broadcast a program highlighting the exposure of Palestinian children living in the West Bank to Israeli military law whilst their offending  Israeli counterparts are dealt with under Israeli civil law. Honest Reporting has something to say on The Australian’s reports on the issue….the  Australian paper’s John Lyons collaborated with the ABC. Read more
