A presidential get-together

March 8, 2023 by  
Filed under News

For the first time in recent years, leaders from across the Victorian community gathered for the Jewish Community Council of Victoria’s Council of Presidents. Read more

Temple Beth Israel makes appeal

February 11, 2009 by  
Filed under Temple Beth Israel









Alongside all Victorians, the TBI community has been affected by the tragedy which swept through Victoria over this past weekend. We have checked with all members of Temple Beth Israel residing in areas which have been affected by the fires and we are thankful that all have survived
without injury or loss of life.


The outpourings of compassion have been heartfelt and overwhelming.
The TBI office has taken countless enquiries from members
asking how they can help. Here are our suggestions:


TBI and the JCCV invite the whole Victorian Jewish Community to a


This Friday, 13 February at 6:15 pm

At Temple Beth Israel, 76 Alma Road, St Kilda

In partnership with the JCCV


Our erev Shabbat service will be specially dedicated to those
affected by this ongoing tragedy.

Kaddish will be said in remembrance of those who lost their lives.

Please bring donations with you.



Go to the TBI website at www.tbi.org.au

Click on the big red hotlink to the Bushfire Appeal page.

You can make credit card donations directly to Jewish Aid Australia

Cheques or cash can be forwarded to TBI and we will redirect appropriately.


You can also drop off goods to the TBI office. Place clothes in plastic bags labelled where appropriate with size, age, gender.

In addition to money and clothing, there is a need for toiletries, stationery,
toys and baby clothes, nappies & dog leashes.



Please share this email with friends who may not be in our email loop.



Wednesday, March 26, 2025