Blaming Israel for the Collapse of the Peace Negotiations…writes Isi Leibler
April 7, 2014 by Isi Leibler
Filed under Featured Articles
All signs indicate that the moribund peace process has now formally collapsed. Read more
Palestine – Sharon’s Legacy Haunts Obama And Kerry…writes David Singer
January 27, 2014 by David Singer
Filed under Featured Articles
President Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry have a lot on their minds as they grapple with conflicts and political issues involving countries like Syria, Iran, Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan – which no doubt must be causing massive overloading of their respective memory banks. Read more
Palestine – Pantomime and Paradox…writes David Singer
June 14, 2013 by David Singer
Filed under Featured Articles
Any cynicism or disbelief that Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu was seriously interested in trying to reach a two-state solution with the PLO was dispelled this week with the revelation that Netanyahu last year offered to free 50 long term Palestinian security prisoners sentenced before the Oslo Accords were signed in 1993 – in a vain bid to entice Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas back to the negotiating table. Read more