The Hakoah Club

The history of the Hakoah Club has it firmly linked to soccer althout today it serves as community centre offering amenities to members including a gym, swimming poo, card room and restaurants. Its function rooms are used by most community organisations and for Simchot.

2008 – Year… President’s report in full


Hakoah gets its big guns

May 11, 2015 by  

Phillip Wolanski and Allen Linz are to chair the development committee for Sydney’s Hakoah Club.

[Read more]

South African comedy show heading to Sydney

May 26, 2009 by  

Illana Klevansky, a 2006 nominee for West Australian Citizen of the Year, will bring her one-woman comedy show “Kugel” to Sydney at the end of August. [Read more]

Wednesday, March 26, 2025