The Emanuel Synagogue

The Emanuel Synagogue models the future of congregational Judaism, in that it offers, in addition to diverse prayer services and myriad learning experiences, a variety of programs to attract people of all ages and backgrounds to build an interconnected and religiously directed community.

We see the future of Judaism beyond the world of denominations, where we share the pursuit of justice and, where each learns from the other and we all learn from our God and our tradition.

Our synagogue is a place in which we discover meaning within the complexity of life and the mystery of God. Each of us has our own personal journey of spiritual exploration and growth; that journey is enhanced in the welcoming company of like-minded, warm-hearted souls.


Loneliness and its side effects

July 15, 2021 by  

Sydney’s Emanuel Synagogue will be exploring the topic of ‘loneliness’ as part of their upcoming Health Matters event later this month. [Read more]

The Uluru Statement: Thomas Mayor and Teela Reed ask “Who Will Hear Our Voice?”

March 10, 2020 by  

When enough Australian people come together to join their voices together in a call for justice and social change, the decision-makers are forced to listen.  [Read more]

ACO to perform at Emanuel Synagogue

August 29, 2017 by  

Sydney;s  Emanuel Synagogue has announced the return of the Australian Chamber Orchestra for one night to perform its third concert in its sanctuary. [Read more]

What’s on at Emanuel

June 26, 2012 by  

Ongoing programs at Emanuel. All Welcome

[Read more]

Emanuel Synagogue to join “Walk Together”

June 21, 2012 by  

As part of Refugee Week, Sydney’s Emanuel Synagogue will be joining “Walk Together” a walk to celebrate the fact that “although we all arrived via different pathways we share a common Australian journey.” [Read more]

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Wednesday, March 26, 2025