Parramatta Synagogue

In 1952 the land being the current site of the Synagogue was purchased and the Synagogue was built and occupied in 1955.

One of the earliest committees to manage the Synagogue once the new site was occupied was: Lou Klein, Sidney Sinclair, Alf & Morry Borman, Milo Zipkis, Hans Newman, Hans Faber, Arnold Hyman, Les Shields and others. Services in the early years were conducted by Oscar Munz.

The original two Sefar Torahs were donated by The Great Synagogue in Sydney and a third was donated by Sidney Sinclair. The original pulpit was donated by Lou Klein. The interior upholstery of the original Ark was prepared by Sidney Lipman.

Bimah fringe detail Parramatta Synagogue

Bimah fringe detail Parramatta Synagogue

The First Ministers

In 1965 the first minister Rev. H.Harkaway was appointed.

Rev Harkaway served the community for 14 years during which time the Jewish community in Parramatta consolidated itself. The original purpose of providing Jewish education for the children was realised on many occasions culminating in Barmitzvahs, Batmitzvahs and many Simchas for the families of those original founding members and the new members attracted to the area.

Following the untimely passing of Reverend Harkaway, services were conducted by the membership once again until the appointment of Rev. S.Goldberg, and later, Rabbi A. Blasenstein. The departure of Rabbi Blasenstein saw the appointment Rev.G.Blavis.

Subsequently in recent years, the position of Minister has been held by Rabbi Yossi Wernick and most recently by Motty Tenenboim.

Parramatta News
