Kesser Torah

Kesser Torah

A world where learning and living become one.


SEEKING wisdom, knowledge and understanding
DREAMING about possibilities
BELIEVING in yourself and the power of faith
LEARNING how to develop a love of learning
ACHIEVING goals and striving for excellence
NURTURING friendships, values and spirituality
Our motto, LIVE IT – Ki Heim Chayenu, is the essence of Kesser Torah College. Ki Heim Chayenu: because they (the Torah & mitzvos) are our life. This includes both the mitzvos between man & man and between man & G-d.


Kesser Torah Spreads the Word

March 18, 2011 by  

Spread the Word, Israel’s Advocacy Group at Sydney’s Kesser Torah Girls High School, lived up to its name this week when students conducted a program supporting  Five Minutes of Silence in protest against Gilad Shalit’s five years in captivity. [Read more]

Kesser Torah students shine in inter-school debating

November 11, 2009 by  

The KTC High School Interschool debating was held at Sydney’s Masada College.   [Read more]

Kesser Torah shines at indoor soccer

September 30, 2009 by  

KTC BHS has again proven it is a sporting powerhouse in indoor soccer by gaining first place in the CSSA Indoor Soccer competition for 2009. [Read more]

KTC student wins NSW Bible Quiz

August 27, 2009 by  

Three KTC students competing in a NSW Bible Quiz Competition organised and sponsored by the State Zionist Council of NSW have scored top places. [Read more]

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