The Burger Centre

The Burger Centre is situated in the grounds of Montefiore Home, Randwick and is run in partnership between JewishCare and Montefiore.

The Burger Centre has two programs operating from it:

The Day Centre program

The Positive Ageing program


The Day Centre Program provides structured group activities for people who live in their own homes and live in the following  LGA’s – Randwick, Waverely, Woollahra, Botany and City of Sydney.

The Centre can offer services to people who are frail or have memory loss or other aged related conditions.

It offers

  • Transport to and from the Centre
  • Kosher morning tea and hot lunch
  • Outings
  • Great speakers and fabulous entertainers
  • Arts and crafts
  • Computer and Nintendo Wii activities
  • Falls risk assessments and referral to allied health services
  • Access to a wide range of services to enable you to stay at home

Please call JewishCare FirstCall to make a referral on 1300 133 660


This program aims to enable people to enjoy the best times in their lives by keeping them active, connected in the community and safe. There are Tai Chi and Hydro-Cise classes and in the July school holidays there will be a grandparent/grandchild art workshop.

Please call Suzi Parker for more information on 8345 9223
