Sir Moses Montefiore Home

The Montefiore Home is Australia’s leading aged care provider with a proud history spanning more than 120 years.

The Home provides a full range of residential aged care services within a secure, tranquil and Jewish environment and has campuses at Hunters Hill, Randwick and Woollahra. Each campus has its own distinctive style and ambience, but all share a commitment to providing exceptional levels of care and enhancing the quality of life of every one of our Residents.

The Home has a team of Diversional Therapists who design and facilitate leisure and recreation programs and help Residents overcome any barriers to participation. These programs incorporate laughter, creativity and self-expression, social opportunity and membership of a group. Individual Residents’ needs are assessed before particular activities are recommended.

The Hunters Hill, Randwick and Woollahra campuses accommodate more than 650 frail-aged Residents of which approximately 30 % are financially disadvantaged and unable to cover their own cost of care. In addition, one in three of our Residents is a Holocaust survivor; with their own complex and unique care needs. We have developed an integrated training program for our staff which equips them with the necessary skills to address these needs.

The Montefiore Home always works towards a culture of excellence in caring. This drives commitment to provide an outstanding service and optimise quality of life for every single Montefiore Resident, regardless of their financial circumstances.

M by Montefiore wins Excellence in Construction Award

Sydney’s Montefiore’s luxury seniors living apartment development at Randwick, M by Montefiore, has won the 2022 Master Builders Association (MBA) NSW Excellence in Construction Award in the Lifestyle Living Over 55s category.

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Building at M by Montefiore dedicated to Lionel Green

December 14, 2020 by  
Filed under Montefiore Sydney, News

Family and friends of the late Lionel Green gathered to honour the memory of the staunch Montefiore supporter at a dedication of a building in his name at the new M by Montefiore development in Randwick this week. [Read more]

First look – new dementia living opens at Montefiore Randwick

August 28, 2019 by  
Filed under Montefiore Sydney, News

The next step for Montefiore’s dementia living is now underway at its Randwick Residential Care campus, with a complete renovation transforming the high-care Special Care Unit (SCU). [Read more]

Montefiore wins national award for dementia care

August 27, 2018 by  
Filed under Montefiore Sydney

Sydney’s Montefiore has gained national recognition with a Better Practice Commendation Award for its Integrated Cognitive and Sensory Program at a ceremony held by the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency. [Read more]

Recognising youth at the first Montefiore Student Volunteer Awards

More than 90 guests gathered for the inaugural Montefiore Student Volunteer Awards.

Many proud parents attended with their children, as 15 dedicated teens from local public, private and Jewish dayschools received awards for selfless service to the community.

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