Sydney Yeshiva first in the world to complete Ramban Project
[nggallery id=6]Tuesday evening marked the First Siyum HaRambam in the world held inthe Yeshiva Center – Chabad Headquarters in NSW, Sydney, Australia.Here is Daniel Kaye’s report
The siyum was made by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Hacohen sheyichye Feldman, Menahel of the Yeshiva Gedola, together with a brilliant Hadran, Also everyone took the oppurtunity to say L’chaim and wish a Refuah Shlaima and success BGU”R to Rabbi Pinchus Hacohen sheyichye Feldman, who was unable to participate due to a procedure that had be done in Hospital. The Hascholoh, learning immediately from the beginning of the Rambam was made by Rabbi Sholom Dovber Hacohen Feldman, Chaver Hanholas of the Yeshiva Gedola who stressed the Hashgocho Protis of the beginning of the Rambam “Yesod Hayesodos” with tonight’s Sefira “Yesod Shbeyesod”, an inspiring story from his latest visit to NY was told by Rabbi Shabsi sheyichye Tayyar, Divrei Brocho were said by our honoured guest Harav Kenig sheyichye of Kehillas Breslev Tzfas Eretz Hakodesh, and Pirkei Chazonus including the singing of Sheyiboneh Bais Hamikdosh by Rabbi Shmuel Hacohen sheyichye Feldman, Menahel Gashmi of the Yeshiva.
Rabbi Daniel sheyichye Kaye Mashgiach of the Yeshiva Gedola reminded everyone to make strong resolutions in strengthening ones learning of Rambam and the need to try and be “Mezakeh” as many people as possible with taking part in a “Siyum HaRambam.
After Bentching the whole community broke out in a shturimdiker chassidersher song and dance!