Sydney Festival: a chance to hear from the Israeli choreographer
New Israel Fund Australia will host a conversation with acclaimed Israel prize-winning choreographer and contemporary dancer Ohad Naharin.

Ohad Naharin
Over the last month, calls to boycott the Sydney Festival after it received $20,000 sponsorship from the Israeli embassy for the production of Naharin’s Decadance have featured prominently on social and mainstream media.
One of Israel’s most celebrated cultural identities, the conversation with Naharin will canvas his work over more than three decades at the Batsheva Dance Company, the founding of the Gaga movement, his political activism, and the ongoing debate about the Sydney Festival and the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.
He will join NIF Australia executive director Liam Getreu in conversation. Getreu said, “It is a real privilege to be able to speak directly with Ohad Naharin not only about the recent publicity around the Sydney Festival but about his broader political activism as well as his numerous artistic achievements over the years.”
The event is on Monday 24 January at 8pm. Register via:
NIF’s anti-Israel propaganda encourages BDS and other antisemites.