Succah in major hospital
Sydney’s Jewish House this year has as part of its chaplaincy program worked closely with Prince of Wales Hospital together with the Sydney Children’s and Royal Women’s to provide extra support recognising the difficulty of being in hospital over the festivals building Succah on the premises for patients and staff.
This includes for the first time in Australia a Succah on a public hospital campus available to patients, staff and visitors
On the first night of Rosh Hashanah, the care organisation provided dinner apples and honey to the hospitals’ Jewish patients and candle-lighting facilities in the hospital chapel with battery operated candles for people to light.
Rabbi Mendel Kastel the hospital chaplain worked closely with senior management praising its cooperation and sensitivity to the community and its needs.
The first night that the succah went up a staff member from the Women’s Hospital posted on facebook how amazing it is to see a Succha at work and form there its gone viral with so many people commenting and liking it
When Rabbi Kastel did the rounds he found that a number of people were very happy to know its there and look forward to using it
One member in the community whose wife is due to give birth any day was really happy to know that during the wait he would have a succah to eat at on campus
>>This includes for the first time in Australia a Succah on a public hospital campus available to patients, staff and visitors<<
Melbourne's Alfred Hospital also has a Sukkah