Step forward for Perth care
A Day Therapy Centre and a Men’s Shed is being developed on the grounds of Maurice Zeffert Home to service Perth’s Jewish community. A partnership between MZH and JewishCare will see the old kindergarten turned into modern facilities meeting the needs of older members of the community
Lotterywest has provided a substantial grant to develop this centre. The Day Therapy and Respite service will start with a few half-day sessions and eventually build up as the predicted demand begins to have an impact. Many of MZH’s current Day Therapy services will be organised in the centre, including dementia respite, occupational therapy, physiotherapy strengthening classes and Podiatry.
The JewishCare Men’s Shed will be one of a number of Sheds established across Australia to provide men with an opportunity to participate in various woodworking projects with the added benefit of social contact and focus on issues such as men’s health. The Men’s Shed has been made possible with the generous support of Lotterywest and JewishCare WA Inc.
MZH CEO Dr Michael Preece said: “MZH and JewishCare have been talking about this project for a long time and it brings us great joy to see it finally happening.”