Shorten goes to school

July 23, 2013 by J-Wire Staff
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New Minister for Education Bill Shorten recently joined Michael Danby in a meeting with the Australian Council for Jewish Schools.

Bill Shorten chats to Michael Danby

Bill Shorten chats to Michael Danby

The meeting was hosted by Beth Rivkah College with the school and students thrilled  to have Minister Shorten  visit their school.

The Governments Better Schools Plan (formally known as Gonski) was discussed, specifically how every student in Jewish Schools will be better off under Labor’s Better Schools Plan.
Michael Danby said “Labor’s Better Schools Plan will mean more individual attention for students who need it most and for those kids doing well, it will provide more opportunities to excel.”
“The Labor Government’s commitment to Jewish education was reinforced with Minister Shorten’s direct engagement with the schools.”

“The meeting was very productive with the representatives from the Australian Council for Jewish Schools continuing their dialogue with the Government, through myself and Minister Shorten. Our plan will ensure every Australian kid, irrespective of where they live, which school they attend or their family background, gets the best possible education.” Mr Danby said.


One Response to “Shorten goes to school”
  1. Roan Blfour says:

    I like the Masthead title, which says Shorten goes to school. I totally agree so he should, and he also should take the rest of the labor cabinet with him, they might finally all lewarn something

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