Shade Zahrai talks with Henry Greener

April 22, 2020 by Henry Greener-The Shtick
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Shade Zahrai, an award-winning corporate strategist, career development expert for women, motivational speaker and life coach helps organizations navigate disruptions, inspires and motivates us in these times of uncertainty.

Shade Zahrai

As well, Shade has a law degree, a BA in Psychology, an MBA, has been a keynote speaker at TED, has been awarded Mentor of the Year 2019, has been Telstra Business Women’s Award Vic. Finalist, is a Member of the Forbes Coaches Council, runs her Ignite Your Potential Workshops and has won the Australian Latin Dance Award 3 times, illustrated at the end of the segment with a video clip of her dancing at TED Institute with Aric Yegudkin.

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