Service to mark the beginning of the Law Term

February 16, 2023 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Sydney’s The Great Synagogue has host once again the Jewish service to mark the start of the Law Term.

The Hon Justice Francois Kunc, The Hon Justice Stephen Campbell, The Hon Justice Stephen Rothman, The Hon Justice Julie Ward

Present were the Chief Justice, Attorney General, judges, barristers and solicitors, Jewish communal and other faith leaders, parliamentarians and councillors and other members of the community.

David Lewis, President of The Great Synagogue welcomed the congregation and reminded them of the freedom given to Jews to practice law in Australia since early colonial times. The Attorney General, Mark Speakman MP, praised the contribution of Jews to the law in New South Wales. Rabbi Elton gave a sermon which highlighted the importance of both justice and compassion.

At the reception that followed the Chief Justice, Andrew Bell, thanked and paid tribute to The Great Synagogue and expressed his admiration for the quality of the service.

Photography: Giselle Haber

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