Selling Gelato to Italy

August 2, 2010 by Henry Benjamin
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A leading Australian ice cream company has opened a shop in the heart of Florence…and is wowing locals and tourists with its take on gelato.

Gelatissimo, an Australian company run by Marco and Domenico Lopresti in association with Sydney community identities brothers Stanley and John Roth is enjoying its first summer season taking on Italians at what they developed …the art of making gelato.

The new store is next to the fabled Ponte Vecchio housed in a building which existed in the Italian city when Bernardo Buontalenti first produced gelato in the 16th century.

This is the Sydney-based company’s first foray into the European market. Established in 2002, Gelatissimo sells internationally in six countries and in 21 stores across Australia.

The company, run by two sets of brothers, one Italian and the other Jewish, maintains a strong Florentine theme in all of its stores featuring Italian music and décor…but their big selling point is the manufacturing of their gelato in-house.

Stanley Roth told J-Wire: “We’ve all heard of carrying coals to Newcastle and selling ice to Eskimos, but selling gelato to the Italians is a new take on the same theme…and it goes to show that it can be done.”

Domenico Lopresti added: ” The original concept in Australia came through the unique displays and popularity gelato has in Florence.”

As Florentines and those visiting their fabled city combat the summer heat, an Australian company is hard at work cooling their palates…

Gelatissimo is a regular advertiser on J-Wire. This is NOT an advertorial.


One Response to “Selling Gelato to Italy”
  1. Emes says:

    A shame it’s treif…

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