Seinfeld roasts anti-Israel heckler at Sydney comedy show

June 18, 2024 by J-Wire
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A Sydney audience on Sunday cheered comedian Jerry Seinfeld’s response to a heckler who interrupted his stand-up show with shouts of “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

“We have a genius, ladies and gentlemen. He’s solved the Middle East. He’s solved it,” Seinfeld told a packed house at the Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney.

“It’s the Jewish comedians, that’s who we have to get. They’re the ones doing everything,” he said, before adding that “it’s a comedy show, you moron.”

Later, he quipped, “Tomorrow, we’ll read in the paper: Middle East, 100% solved thanks to man at the Qudos arena stopping Jew comedian.”

As the man was escorted out by security, Seinfeld said: “We’re all on your side now because you’ve made your point so well and in the right venue. You’ve come to the right place.”

Two days after Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre, Seinfeld posted, “I Stand With Israel,” on his Instagram account. He also paid a solidarity visit to the Jewish state.

As a result, he has been targeted by anti-Israel protesters.

During a Duke University commencement in May when he received an honorary degree and spoke to the audience, some anti-Israel protesters marched out, chanting “Free, free Palestine.” Many students booed the protesters.

The AJA’s Robert Gregory told J-Wire: “I was sitting there and it was a bit of a surprise when the guy started shouting but I thought it would make good footage.”

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