Scopus students write to IDF soldiers
Students at Melbourne’s Mount Scopus College have the soldiers of the IDF firmly in their hearts and minds.
Smorgon Family Primary School students have been writing letters to soldiers protecting Israel on the front line in Gaza. Students poured their thoughts, prayers and beliefs into personal letters, as they expressed their hopes for the safe return of all IDF soldiers.
During daily prayer services, students in both primary and secondary have recited special tefillot and shared updates on the situation in Israel. Jewish Studies staff have been available every lunch time for both students and staff wishing to discuss the conflict, ask questions or share their thoughts.
All students are encouraged to share ideas and initiatives on how they can strengthen our connections to what is happening in Israel and this week students from Smorgon Family Primary School joined with the secondary Tzdakah committee to raise money to send care packages to soldiers on the front line.