Say No to a Palestinian State at the UN in September

August 25, 2011 by Ron Weiser
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There is only one reason why the Palestinians are going to the United Nations in September hoping for a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian State by the General Assembly…writes Ron Weiser

Ron Weiser

It is because they are not willing to pay the one price demanded by Israel and the democratic world in negotiations.

And that price is the agreement that the State of Israel can exist and can do so in its current guise – as the Homeland of the Jewish People.

That is what is missing from the Palestinian resolution.

So called obstacles such as settlements, borders, Jerusalem etc are not the core issues at all.

Nor is the existence of a Palestinian State.

The core issue is whether the Palestinians and their supporters can tolerate a Jewish presence, of any size, in their midst.

The consistent policy of the Zionist Leadership has been “2 States for 2 Peoples”.

On the 29th of November 1947 that is in fact what the UN agreed upon in Resolution 181 – “A Jewish State and an Arab State”.

As we know, the Jewish People accepted this and the Arab People rejected it.

This has been the pattern ever since – post 1967 in August in Khartoum; Oslo in 1993 ; Camp David in 2000; Annapolis under Olmert; and times in between – our acceptance and their rejection.

And most importantly for those who continue to bury their heads in the sand both on the “ultra left” and “ultra right” – this is the public and repeated and sincere policy of the Netanyahu Government.

6 Israeli Prime Ministers (including Netanyahu) have offered the Palestinians a State, in return for the one real red line Israel has – no Palestinian Right of Return.

As the realisation has dawned on almost everyone, that the Palestinians mean something different from us when we each say “2 State Solution”, we have begun to emphasise that they need to recognise Israel as a Jewish State.

For clarity.

And to avoid the continuing Palestinian double speak to the world and perhaps especially, to their own people.

President Abbas’ stated aim is a Palestinian State where no Jews will be able to reside, alongside a State called Israel to which some 4.5 million claimed Palestinians will have the right to return and which will then be a supposed democratic Bi National State.

This is a reality that should be accepted by those within our community and those people who profess to be friends of Israel generally, when they attempt to lay blame for why no resolution of the conflict has yet occurred.

The constant belabouring of moral equivalence and of blame equivalence is erroneous and counterproductive. And it is doing exactly what it is designed to do – pushing our own youth away and depressing those who remain.

The Palestinians are continuing their strategy of trying to get what they want piece by piece, without ceding a single thing.

It is beyond time now for the world to finally tell the Palestinians et al a truth they have been avoiding for Israel’s entire existence and at the same time, lying to their own people about.

The Jewish State is here to stay.

This UN move is a tactic designed to avoid that truth.


7 Responses to “Say No to a Palestinian State at the UN in September”
  1. hasbaracentral says:

    Hello Francine The PA has said Israel is free to declare itself as whatever it chooses. The issue of “Jewish homeland” is a red herring used by Netanyahu while expanding settl;ements and exclusive roads. Incidentally, my question here, why shouldn’t people forced out of their homes by massacres have the right to return ? And why should people with no organic connection to the land have the automatic right of “return”, merely on thebasis of religion/cultural identity ? Please state the legal, moral, historical basis for the claim ? As you can see this not abuse, smear or slander.

  2. Andrew Eden-Balfour says:

    Sorry sir, as much as I support the state of Isreal, Palestine must be recognizaed as a nation and have the same standard of powers as Isreal in order for the bloodshed in the area to end. the continued expansion of exclusive settlements and roads in the West bank and the blockade of gaza is nothing short of a stupid attempt to claim to claim territory, and if they don’t stop the anger the Isreali government is generating with the Arab region is going to boil over and might commit to a genocide on the state and it’s jewish citizens.

    By recognizing Palestinians as a state, the peace talks would be able to get serious, Isreal would be able to work together with the Arab nations and the Palestine state for democracy and the exclusive settlements would stop popping up in Palestinian territory.

  3. Francine says:

    So hasbaracentral, you agree with Abbas that there is no validity to a Jewish State – that is the only obstacle to peace and you are clearly part of the obstacle. But you are right about one thing, the PLO does say Israel can be and do what she pleases. But ONLY after millions of Palestinians return to it.

  4. Joan says:

    Precisely – spot on – what a clear statement of the real issue!!! We need more Jewish leaders like this who can articulate a position that makes sense and can be followed.

  5. Rita says:

    The Jewish State is here to stay.

    And so it should!!!

    “This UN move is a tactic designed to avoid that truth.”

    The UN should be disbanded, if not indicted for accomodating and promoting genocidal Judenhass!

  6. hasbaracentral says:

    A a national homeland of the Jews is a piece of ZIonist fiction. Please show the legal, political, historical basis for such a claim. Are Australian, Indian, Yemeni, UAE, Iranian, Jews not citizens of their countries ? Or conversely are they memebrs of a single nationalality ?

  7. hasbaracentral says:

    Sorry Weiser. This is a load of rubbish. The PLO has said Israel can declare itself as whatever it pleases. The real issue is the continued expansion of exclusive settlements and roads in the West ban and the blockade of gaza. They make an independent Palestine impossible. This is another red herring put out by Netanyahu to divert atention from the settlements and blockade. Palestine will not have the military strenght to pose any danger to the regional superpower and nuclear monopoly power in the region. And not to mention the unconditional money, weapons and vetos from the USA.

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