SAJE conversion classes up and running
The Sydney Academy of Jewish Education (SAJE) has officially launched weekly conversion classes tailored to elevate and enhance the conversion process.

SAJE group
Under the auspices of the Sydney Beth Din, a team of experienced educators has united to craft and deliver a comprehensive course called Dor l’Dor.
SAJE patron Harry Triguboff is passionate about its raison d’être, especially when evaluating our community’s projected vibrancy and viability. He said: “SAJE is the streamlined solution for Orthodox conversions, offering a supportive space and place for those who wish to expand and explore their Jewish learning. We know this is foundational for the future of our Jewish world.”
SAJE board members Alex Abulafia, Orna Triguboff, Dr Ron Weiser and Rabbi Levi Wolff have listened attentively to the needs of many and feel confident in offering this spiritual and practical journey to Judaism. Along with the committed crew at the helm, the SAJE educators look forward to establishing bonds with candidates of every age and stage.
Alex Abulafia said: “SAJE now fills an essential niche, and we are proud it has been an instant success, aiding so many as they navigate the Orthodox conversion path.”
Dor l’Dor is modern and modular, with fascinating core classes covering topics such as Jewish faith, identity, Shabbat, the Jewish lifecycle and so much more.
Participants will benefit from in-person classes conveniently located within the heart of Bondi; Zoom options are also possible when needed. Sensational social events are scheduled and dotted throughout the Jewish lunar calendar. There is also a seat waiting for participants at so many Shabbat tables. Many doors will open in the most welcoming fashion, each aiming to include all interested in our holy Day of Rest, festivals and beyond.
Rabbi Shua Solomon is the Rabbinical Council President NSW and SAJE Rabbinic Representative and has his finger on the pulse in a communal sense, he believes, “SAJE will undoubtedly be a transformative and profound process for all candidates, with a positive ripple effect on their nearest and dearest.”
The classes have been designed so that anyone can join the course at any time.
All interested within New South Wales and all Australasian regions not under the auspices of a local Beth Din are invited to apply. Visit or email with any SAJE-related questions or queries.