Rosh Hashanah message from Bill Shorten and Tony Burke
Bill Shorten, Leader of the Opposition & Tony Burke, Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Australia for Rosh Hashanah have sent a Rosh Hashanah message to the Jewish community.
On behalf of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party we extend my best wishes to Australia’s Jewish community on the occasion of Rosh Hashanah or Jewish New Year.
Rosh Hashanah is a very important time in the Jewish religious calendar. It is a time to join with friends and family and reflect and review deeds in the past year. It is also a time to look ahead with hope for a fresh start to the New Year.
Let us also use this time to review and reflect on the tremendous contribution Jewish Australians have made to our country, not only in the past year, but since their arrival with the first European settlers.
Jewish Australians have made a marvellous contribution to this nation. In our schools, in workplaces, in film and television, in politics – indeed in every facet of our national life. Modern Australia would be unrecognisable without the ongoing work and achievements of the Australian Jewish community.
We further thank and applaud the tremendous work the Jewish community does in campaigning against bigotry and intolerance.
Immigration has transformed Australia into an incredibly vibrant and prosperous multicultural nation. That transformation can be seen every day on our local high streets, in our businesses, our restaurants and our schools. We have communities such as yours to thank for this transformation.
May the joyful sound of the Shofar, and apples dipped in honey welcome in a sweet New Year filled with health and happiness for you and your families.