Reward for 1982 Sydney Hakoah terror bombings

December 5, 2022 by AAP
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A $1 million reward has been announced to help solve a 40 year mystery – the bombing of Sydney’s Israeli Consulate and Hakoah Club which shook the Jewish community.

The increased reward was announced on Monday – the first day of a coronial inquiry into Australia’s first terrorism cold case.

A bomb exploded in front of the Israeli Consulate in Sydney about 2pm on December 23, 1982, injuring a number of people.

Later that day a car parked in the basement the Hakoah Club at Bondi exploded and although no one was injured, it’s believed the blast was intended to collapse the building.

Investigations deemed the bombings to be acts of international terrorism motivated by Palestinian nationalism.

A man was charged in 1983, however the matter was no-billed before the trial began.

In 2011, investigators from the NSW Joint Counter Terrorism Team (JCTT) established Strike Force Forbearance to re-investigate the bombings and a $100,000 reward was announced the next year.

Investigators want to track down three people who they believe were involved and detectives have prepared a coronial brief of evidence, which is being heard as an inquiry before the NSW State Coroner today.

NSW Police report: “About 2pm on Thursday, 23 December 1982, a bomb exploded directly in front of the Israeli Consulate in Westfield Towers on William Street, Sydney.

A number of people were injured by shrapnel and glass, as well as being thrown across the room from impacts of the explosion.

The building sustained significant damage, reducing the internal stairs to rubble and creating a 30cm hole in the concrete steel-reinforced floor.

The Valiant used in the Hakoah bombing

Later that day, the Hakoah Club was hosting hundreds of competitors for the Maccabi Games when a Valiant, which was parked in the basement of the club, exploded about 6.45pm.

While the device detonated, fortunately, the full potential of the blast did not eventuate. No one was injured, but it is believed the blast was intended to collapse the building

Investigations into the attacks were commenced and were quickly linked together and deemed to be acts of international terrorism motivated by Palestinian nationalism.”

Police Minister Paul Toole said it was hoped the $1 million reward would “be the final push members of the public need to offer up information – no matter how big or small it may seem – to help police in their unwavering quest for answers and provide closure for all those involved”.

Counter Terrorism and Special Tactics Commander, Assistant Commissioner Mark Walton, said the attacks had remained in the hearts and minds of Jewish, Israeli and Australian communities.

“It is our hope that the reward will motivate those who know who was involved in the bombings to come forward and help us solve this 40-year-old mystery.”

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Darren Bark said the Jewish community remained hopeful that someone with information will come forward.

“For four long decades, our community has searched for answers about this heinous terrorist attack targeting innocent Australians on our own soil,” Mr Bark said.

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